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You are cordially invited to the BIED Society's International Affairs Academy!
In Center U.S. National Security
Madeline Smith
Winter 21 Cohort
Winter 21 Cohort
Nov 24, 2020
Internal economic stability is an interesting metric to measure. I am curious how these charts would have looked if they compared more than just the male experience in the workforce. Economic stability is split by gender, but even more so by the race which has been especially exposed this year due to the increase in racial awareness in America. At the beginning of this document the question "what factors contribute to household-level economic insecurity" is asked which reminded me of a paper I read in an environmental injustice course last year that clearly finds that age, gender, education, remittances, unemployment, inflation, assets, and disease are the most important factors for dictating a household's economic security. All of these other than age and gender are directly impacted by a person's race. Policies that will promote racial equality in all aspects of the human experience (employment, housing, healthcare, etc) will improve the economic security of the country as a whole. I have high hopes for the incoming administration when it comes to their dedication to improving the household economic stability from a holistic perspective. The appointments that Biden has made thus far are already leaps and bound more inclusive and diverse. This, as I said yesterday, will improve the inclusivity of decisionmaking especially after a summer of racial tensions, bringing these issues to the forefront of policy formulation. Proven by voter turnout alone, a higher rate of citizens are engaging in politics due to the tumultuous year and divisive administration, which will hopefully spill over into the next administration as well. As far as this topic relates to China, economic security by household is laughable. This paper discusses how China is moving from traditional economic and social structures and how during this shift "welfare provision by the state has been dramatically reduced". An important aspect of Xi Jinping's upcoming14th Five-Year Plan is likely going to be the idea of "dual circulation". This is the concept that the domestic economy, or "internal circulation", will be "supplemented and reinforced" by the international economy, the "external circulation". This concept would likely focus on job opportunities, wealth redistribution, along with an ongoing push for innovation.
National Security Strategy of the United States of America (Dec. 2017)
In Center U.S. National Security
Madeline Smith
Winter 21 Cohort
Winter 21 Cohort
Nov 23, 2020
The goal of "defending the homeland and projecting power globally, now and in the future" has been represented fairly consistently throughout the last two years. Donald Trump ran in the 2016 election with an aggressive "America First" platform that was initially thought to play out in an isolationist sense, although in practice it showed up as seemingly abrupt and unhinged decisionmaking in the name of American security. China and Russia have both been defining aspects of Trump's administration due to their centrality to this goal. 2018 began with Mueller indicting several Russian nationals, carrying on through mid-2019 when the investigation was closed. 2018 was also when Trump began targeting China with heavier tariffs and escalating the trade-war that we have seen play put for the last few years. Vice President Pence also gave a speech in October of 2018 dictating a rare clear articulation of policy from the administration stating that they planned to raise tariffs to combat economic aggression as well as condemn their actions in the South China Sea and increased censorship and persecution. It is very important to note that it is unlikely that the next administration will "go soft" on China, but I suspect that their actions will be made more analytically. The next National Military Strategy will be interesting to read in comparison to this one seeing as the current and incoming presidents have opposing views when it comes to defense. Even today, as more of Biden's picks for cabinet positions come to light, it seems at the very least we will have a much more well-rounded and diverse group of decision-makers, compared to the previous administration, which has statistically lead to a higher margin of actions that protect the widest scope of the American population.
You are cordially invited to the BIED Society's International Affairs Academy!
In Center U.S. National Security
National Security Strategy of the United States of America (Dec. 2017)
In Center U.S. National Security
Madeline Smith
Winter 21 Cohort
Winter 21 Cohort
Nov 04, 2020
The Department of Defense's specific and detailed operations are not something I know much about. This document was dense and took me longer to read as to fully absorb the intent, but seeing a shift in DoD procedures is very interesting. As we discussed yesterday in our meeting intercultural awareness is something that the DoD is trying to implement at a more fundamental level in many of their current campaigns to assure the highest and most long-lasting successful outcome. The Center for Operational Culture Learning, a sector under the United States Marine Corp, published the 2018 Military Cross-Cultural Competence Annotated Bibliography addressing the ways in which cross-cultural competence (compliance, communication, and coordination are discussed heavily and referred to as the 3c's throughout the document) is implemented. This gives contextual evidence about the regard for cross-cultural competency that was being practiced in 2018 and the resources they are banking their strategies off of. In 2017 a paper was released by Marines detailing "Intercultural Training in the United States Military" which details how troops are taught to conduct interactions and historical factors that have lead to these actions. However, there are still a number of reviews that depict quite a bit of work that still needs to be done in intelligence and defense departments to sustain successful communication across conflict lines. An article on War Room from the United States Army College declared a prolonged failure in cross-cultural communication being a strong capability of leading officers in the military, leading to less successful cooperation than otherwise possible. Watching this development will be important over the coming years as the United States and China get closer to military power and the United States slowly reduces in total influence.
National Security Strategy of the United States of America (Dec. 2017)
In Center U.S. National Security
Madeline Smith
Winter 21 Cohort
Winter 21 Cohort
Nov 03, 2020
The United Nations is an entity that I have studied in many different capacities and find fascinating. When the UN was created it developed for main purposes including "maintaining worldwide peace and security, developing relations among nations, fostering cooperation between nations in order to solve economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian international problems, and providing a forum for bringing countries together to meet the UN's purposes and goals". Promoting democracy bolsters every single one of these, creating severe exigence to proliferate democratic elections around the globe. The vast number of purposes that the UN serves elevates almost every aspect of the human experience, yet one of the most important and unique privileges is their aid to democratic elections around the world. Historically, the United Nations have facilitated elections in contentious states such as Timor-Leste, El Salvador, Afghanistan, CAR, DRC, Iraq, and Sudan, along with several others. They provide several different types of assistance as well, assuring the most productive use of resources that will bode the most ethical and representative election possible for the region. These types of assistance include technical, creating an environment that is more accepting of a democratic election, organizing and actually conducting the process, verifying results, observing election procedures, and providing groups of political and electoral experts for the region. The classification of the needs of a region provides the United Nations with more specific information allowing it to individualize its assistance for the greatest success. At the 2005 World Summit, the Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan from Ghana released a Guidance Note that detailed even more specific "principles for effective assistance" including initiatives to "adopt proactive approaches to threats to democracy, do no harm, uphold local ownership, broaden domestic engagement and participation in democracy building, explicitly address the effects of discrimination against women, develop democracy support strategies with a long-term horizon, and invest in a comprehensive approach to democratization". These actions prove sustainability as one of the most important parts of implementation in the democratic election process. Some of these that stand out the most to me and are apparent in success stories of UN aided elections are upholding local ownership, addressing the effects of discrimination against women, and developing democracy support strategies that will persist long-term. This paper displays very clearly that the work that is done by United Nations Peace Keeping Operations (UN PKOs) is vastly more successful in a shorter time frame and is sustained much longer when the decision making involves local members and diminishes future conflict, they use the example of the Côte d’Ivoire in 2011-2016. Similarly, this paper shows the clear benefits of women being included in the democratic process and the lasting efforts of equality that stem from their inclusion.

Madeline Smith

Winter 21 Cohort
Foreign Affairs
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