Continuing with or discussion of Agenda 2063, we move on to the document's second half: "The Assembly of the African Union," "A Call to Action," and "Critical Enablers for Africa's Transformation," (p. 11 - 20). Access the full document here:
We, the Heads of State and Government of the African Union assembled for the 24th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Union in January 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia;
Have taken note of the aspirations and determination of the African people expressed above, reiterate our full appreciation and commitment to these aspirations;
Re-affirm that Agenda 2063 builds on past achievements and challenges and takes into account the continental and global context and trends in which Africa is realizing its transformation, including:
a. The Pan African vision and project, which guided struggles of African people and their descendants against slavery, colonialism, apartheid and racial discrimination; the commitment of the founders of the Organization ofAfrican Unity (OAU) to self-determination, integration, solidarity and unity; and which today forms the backdrop for Africa’s renaissance, transformation and integration.
b. An African turning point, starting at the turn of the millennium with our renewed determination to end wars and conflicts, to build shared prosperity, to integrate, to build responsive and democratic governance and to end the continent’s marginalization through the transformation of the OAU into the African Union and the adoption of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). Thus Africa, over the last decade has experienced sustained levels of growth, greater peace and stability and positive movements on a number of human development indicators. We recognise that sustaining this path and pace, though positive, is not sufficient for Africa to catch up, hence the need for radical transformation at all levels and in all spheres. Africa must therefore, consolidate the positive turn around, using the opportunities of demographics, natural resources, urbanization, technology and trade as a springboard to ensure its transformation and renaissance to meet the people’s aspirations.
c. Lessons from global developmental experiences, the significant advances by countries of the South to lift huge sections of their populations out of poverty, improve incomes and catalyse economic and social transformation. We are part of the global drive through the United Nations and other multilateral organisations to find multi-lateral approaches to humanity’s most pressing concerns including human security and peace, the eradication of poverty, hunger and disease, gender equality and climate change, as well as the Common African Position on the post-2015 Development Agenda.
d. Learning from past and present African development efforts and challenges and forging an African-centred approach to transformation which includes lessons from post-independence state and nation-building, industrialization and modernization efforts, the fight against disease, ignorance and poverty; and the push for integration, as captured in the OAU Charter, the Monrovia Declaration, the Lagos Plan of Action, the Abuja Treaty, the AU Constitutive Act and, NEPAD.
e. People-centered development, gender equality and youth empowerment, which place the African people at the centre of all continental efforts, to ensure their participation in the transformation of the continent, and to build caring and inclusive societies. No society can reach its full potential, unless it empowers women and youth and removes all obstacles to women’s full participation in all areas of human endeavours. Africa must provide an enabling environment for its women, children and young people to flourish and reach their full potential.
f. The changing global context, and in our times the modern information revolution; globalization; changes in technology, production, trade, knowledge and labour markets; the opportunities presented by global demographic trends, urbanization and the growing global middle and working classes in the South; the move towards multi-polarity with strong elements of uni-polarism remaining, global security and the impact of climate change. Humanity today has the capacities, technology and know-how to ensure a decent standard of living and human security for all inhabitants of our earth. And yet children continue to die of preventable diseases; women continue to die whilst giving birth; hunger and malnutrition remain part of the human experience; and underdevelopment, fragility, marginalization and inequality between regions and countries and within countries persist.
67. Stress that Agenda 2063 is:
Our endogenous plan for transformation. It harnesses the continent’s comparative advantages such as its people, history and cultures; its natural resources; its position and repositioning in the world to effect equitable and people-centred social, economic and technological transformation and the eradication of poverty. It seeks to fulfil our obligation to our children as an inter-generational compact, to develop Africa’s human capital; build social assets, infrastructure and public goods; empower women and youth; promote lasting peace and security; build effective developmental states and participatory and accountable institutions of governance.
Africa’s vision and roadmap for sequencing our sectoral and normative, national, regional and continental plans into a coherent whole.
A call to action to all Africans and people of African descent, to take personal responsibility for the destiny of the continent and as the primary agents of change and transformation.
A commitment from citizens, leadership, governments and institutions at national, regional and continental levels to act, coordinate, and cooperate for the realization of this vision.
68. Note that Agenda 2063 builds on the pledges made through the 50th Anniversary Solemn Declaration. 69. We are confident that our peoples’ aspirations and the dream of an Africa that is integrated, peaceful and prosperous is achievable, provided that we construct this future-based plan on actions taken now."
Chime about the second half of this document here: