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In Center U.S. National Security
Vanessa Clark
Winter 21 Cohort
Winter 21 Cohort
Nov 24, 2020
It was very interesting reading today's document that was published in 2016, now in 2020. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 the financial landscape has changed dramatically for a lot of families in the U.S. and around the world. After reading the Department of Treasury's Issue Brief, like @Jay Rosato I wanted to see what the current/recent economic trends in my specialization area of Latin America were like. Latin America has unfortunately been one of the hardest hit regions of the pandemic, which has caused an overall economic decline. According to various statistics including Focus Economics, the pandemic is set to push the region into its deepest recession in modern history. Prior to the pandemic in 2019, the region had a projected GDP growth rate of 1.8 percent. Now instead of economic growth, the region will be focusing on economic recovery especially in terms of unemployment and family income. In comparison to almost every region including Europe, the Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia, it is probable that Latin America will have a weaker economic recovery as the regions GDP is only expected to grow 2.7 percent (while most regions are expected grow 3% and above). While many U.S. citizens have expressed immense anger in regards to how the current administration has handled the pandemic, the same reaction has been present in most Latin American countries. Presently, the most severely hit economies have been Peru, Argentina and Mexico.

Vanessa Clark

Winter 21 Cohort
Foreign Affairs
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