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Join date: Sep 9, 2022


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I am the new Editor-in-Chief for the BIED Society and its publications. I have my Master’s Degree in Diplomacy. I have researched and written about many of the regions and topics our Specialists and Fellows cover in our publications. I have editing certifications from Poynter and a publishing certification from Powell College. I am a member of ACES: The Society for Editing.

I work with the BIED Society because I get to help our researchers refine and express their ideas and findings. Working with the BIED Society also pushes me to learn new things.  I get to mentor through my position and work with some truly incredible and intelligent people. The BIED Society presents new challenges every day.

My passion has always been in writing and serving others. Editing at the BIED Society allows me to do both. I have always seen editing as a collaborative effort: how can I help this author express their ideas in the best way possible? I look forward to connecting with our new writers and helping them find their voice.

Rachael Rhine Milliard

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