Facial recognition will be the next thing when it comes to catching criminals and being able to develop such technologies that can understand how someone ages is around the corner. We call this DEFENSE INNOVAITON. Using facial recognition here in the US would be valuable, as seen with the FBI, they simply post pictures up and hope for the public to do some of the work. Whereas, if you could cut out the people and rely a little more on technology to do the work, it would be a win for the FBI. Nevertheless, I saw encrypted data through companies which is also a smart idea. I would like to talk about the history of terrorism though the EU to better understand why such rules were implemented. The IRA has always set up bombings in Ireland and has been pushed back to Northern Ireland over the years, however there is always a threat of an insurgent putting a bomb in a garbage can or underneath a car to create havoc. Border security was heightened at the time of the Paris Bombing. The document highlights how "It is estimated that 50 000 persons have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join jihadist groups, including 5 000 individuals from the EU, of which around one third are still located in the area." which shows the importance of having AI to help police officers detecting if someone is wanted or a terrorist in facial recognition. The prevention and mitigation techniques are like our procedures in the United States as well from what I have read. Religion was also discussed and how people may be targeted more often; as seen with the Christchurch, New Zealand attack, so some policies were made to protect those in places of worship as seen on page 12 “foster cooperation between the different faith communities and the relevant national authorities as they exchange experiences. As from 2021, the Commission aims to support projects that enhance the physical protection of places of worship in close coordination with Member States”. This leads us to how terrorists attack people through means of firearms, where the EU laid out a plan to “the Commission will adopt an implementing regulation under the Firearms Directive, establishing a system for exchange of information amongst Member States on refusals to grant authorizations for acquiring a firearm” which means if denied in one state that individual will be denied in other participating states. Next on the list are bombs, I mentioned bombs above, but bombs are a generic term with a broad audience. There are several types of bombs used and the restriction of allowing people to obtain specific chemicals would be implemented. The four types of bombs are “chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear” which can wreak havoc in small locations. I think this document did a fine job in reviewing past events in history to make well decisive defense plans for possible future events.