Development Effectiveness Overview 2020

This chapter of a report compiled by the Inter-American Development Bank highlights the bank's support efforts to the region. Read the first portion of Chapter 1 (p. 7 - 15) on the pdf linked here:

"Operational Results

Chapter 1


This chapter highlights examples of the IDB Group’s support to each of its strategic priorities, which are critical to the region’s development and closely aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These include the three development challenges of enhancing social inclusion and equality, fostering productivity and innovation, and improving economic integration, as well as the three cross-cutting issues of gender equality and diversity, climate change and environmental sustainability, and institutional capacity and the rule of law. While the COVID-19 crisis is rapidly changing the lens through which each of these priorities must be viewed, they nonetheless remain core aspects of the region’s long-term development.

Highlights of IDB Group Support to the Region since 2016

The year 2016 was a critical moment on the global stage as the SDGs and the Paris Agreement took hold. The Country Development Results indicators of the CRF provide a glimpse of the Group’s support to the SDGs since they took effect. These indicators track the magnitude of the Group’s contributions to the region’s development priorities and allow the

Group to aggregate data on outputs and outcomes supported through its operations. Figure 1.1 provides

a snapshot of these results, showing their linkage to the SDGs. More information on the results shown in Figure 1.1, including project-level contributions is available on the IDB Group’s CRF website. However, these are only a small portion of the Group’s contributions to the SDGs as projects support a wide range of results, not all of which are captured through these standardized indicators. Box 1.1 highlights the Group’s efforts to expand its ability to report on its contributions to

the SDGs, and the remainder of the chapter focuses on how the Group supports each of its strategic priorities in the region, along with project case studies that link to the SDGs. These project spotlights illustrate how results reported through the CRF relate to higher-level outcomes, focusing on projects that have closed or generated substantial results in recent years in a range of countries and sectors.

Measuring Contributions to the SDGs

The IDB Group has a critical role to play in supporting countries and clients in advancing progress towards the SDGs by fostering sustainable economic and social development throughout the region.

Since the SDGs took effect, the IDB Group has been reporting on the alignment of its institutional priorities and the contribution of its operations to these global goals. Moving beyond alignment at the goal level, IDB Invest has pioneered a methodology for measuring contributions to more specific SDG targets at both the project and portfolio level. This

data-centric approach was fully operationalized in 2019 and will be expanded to the broader IDB Group moving forward.

This methodology is centered on demonstrating contributions to the SDG targets using data at the

project level. For an operation to be considered as contributing to an SDG, an indicator that measures progress towards at least one of the United Nation’s 169 SDG targets must be tracked in the context of the project and demonstrate an improvement over time. To ensure consistency and comparability across projects in the portfolio, detailed guidelines were developed, outlining the inclusion and exclusion criteria for SDG target contributions by type of intervention.

IDB Invest Standard Indicators are used to track SDG contributions, wherever relevant, facilitating aggregation at the portfolio level.

In addition to applying this methodology to all new projects approved in 2019, IDB Invest retroactively

assessed the SDG contributions of over 450 existing operations, generating a complete picture of the active portfolio.

As of the end of 2019, IDB Invest operations were contributing to 15 of the 17 SDGs, particularly SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) given the nature of private sector operations."

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